December 2006

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  • Kiva - loans that change lives

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Member since 01/2005

December 03, 2006

October 01, 2006

September 29, 2006

September 25, 2006

September 23, 2006

September 21, 2006

September 20, 2006

September 19, 2006

September 18, 2006


  • Img_1364
    Pictures from a lovely couple of days spent in the most European of North American cities.


  • Picture_080
    Pictures from our short visit to a beautiful little village of Québec called Tadoussac.


  • Img_1077
    Pictures from the three days we spent in an area of Gaspesia. We stayed in Gaspé and visited Forillon National Park and Percé. Nature is splendid around there.

Iles de la Madeleine

  • Img_0849
    This album contains pictures from our trip to the Magdalen Islands, Canada in 2006. Extremely beautiful part of our planet. Kind and helpful people. Excellent experience. Worth visiting.


  • Img_0719
    This album contains some of the pictures we took in Toronto. It will give you a feel of the city and you will meet our friends Mike and Avideh just a couple of weeks before the birth of their daughter, whose proud godfather I am honoured to be.

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